Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Shiny Monster

Virgin Premana concerts - in May 2011 in Russia

someone believes that she has the ideal music for yoga, for relaxation, diving into the voids and the depth ...

seems to me that the Virgin Premana and Mitena unique atmosphere for concerts ... - here's another platform for distribution of news about her performances in Russia.

who knows all the other Mantra performers?
Krishna Das +?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Does A Dog Hernia Look Like

Virgin Premana Mitenev and again in St. Petersburg and Moscow in 2011

Virgin Premana concert in Moscow and St. Petersburg in May 2011

Premana Deva (Deva Premal) among the three best performers * mantras in the world. Her albums The Essence, Love is Space, Embrace and Dakshina took first place in popularity ratings in musical direction, New Age and broken all records in the polls preferences yoga studios and meditation and healing centers worldwide. The latest album Devas Premana (Deva Premal) Mula Mantra for a few days went to number one in ratings

* mantra - a sequence of words, full of strong positive vibrations

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Getting Mold Out Of Leather Boat Seats

how quickly you can learn English?

you ask yourself ...
if you are in Minsk, one of the answers - to climb to the site and read the description of an original method of learning English Dragunkina.

there all pretty available.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Custom Chapstick Labels

[pics] Tom's new coat! :D

A dear friend of the boy doll is fashion designer and has given Tom a little super-cool pimp fur coat because it's still winter over here and it's freezing!
A dear friend of the boy doll is a fashion designer and has a little Tom donated a super great Pimp-fur coat, because it's so cold outside but grad!

What do you think? ; D
What do you think? ; D


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Insolvent Estate Florida

Workshop opening vocal in Moscow with the Virgin Premana
(special guest from Nepal Manuz)
Moscow, May 22, 2011

Our voice - is one of the most powerful healing tools given the nature of each of us. But it is often a treasure remains idle because of the conditionality and the belief that singing talent is not available to us.

When the last time you opened your voice and sang with all my heart open the sky and the stars? Many of us are convinced that they can not sing - this idea is usually implanted us into the consciousness of the earliest and sensitive period of life. As a result, we unconsciously resist the appearance of one of the most natural talent of our - The creation of their music. And what could be more beautiful in life than sing his own song ?

семинар с Девой Премал и Митеном в Москве

Seminars Devas Premana and Mitena built unusual: here you have no one to teach or instruct about the fact, how to sing the mantra . You just live your unique unique experience. The purpose of these holidays votes as they are called Dewa and Mitenev come together in a comfortable place and connect with friends in singing, dancing and Sufi meditation. Amazing flavor to these meetings will give the Indian bamboo flute peerless nepaliytsa Manuza.

Deva Mitenev and create space for open and ecstatic singing softly napryavlyaya it to a harmonic union of male and female. No one here expects that you will be a great vocalist - you simply invited to feel the healing power of mantras, which is especially manifested in the capacious joint singing of many people. Everything else is magically materialized in an incredibly relaxing and spiritually filling event. Deva and Mitenev call it cleansing - now a blessing for the heart and soul!

seminar will be held in Moscow on May 22, 2011
Additional Information site:

meeting vKontakte -
event in facebook - ? eid = 199204706757373

piper calls the tune and the Virgin Premana Mitena site

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best Airport To Fly To Yellowstone

sacred chants

VIRGO Premana Mitenev and sing the Gayatri Mantra.

drives Virgin Premana in Russia, the company publishes a "Light" -

Concerts Premana Deva (Deva Premal) and Mitena held in Russia in the world tour of artists in 2011: May 18 concert in St. Petersburg in DC Gorky in 1850 seats, 20 May concert in Moscow in the best concert hall Russia Crocus City Hall at 6100 seats. Also in Moscow on May 22 held a unique workshop on singing with Devoy Premana (Deva Premal) and Mitenev. Order tickets here:

My Tech Deck Collection

spiritual growth and enlightenment

video lecture on the theme of Osho's spiritual growth and enlightenment phenomenon :

«... The whole planet can become enlightened. We just need to change the educational system, change the organized religions of the world, change the political structure of society. And we need to allow each child to go his own way.

No matter what was your childhood, a person can not become enlightened without a rebellion, because he has to go through the struggle against the conditioning of society. Man will have to rebel against the beliefs of society. He will have to rebel against their own ego against its own ambitions.

Sure, riot - a necessary part. He cuts you off from normal social world and makes a personality. Riot - a fire, going through that, man finds freedom, individuality and integrity. And only after that he can relax and be yourself themselves to be simple, be innocent. This new birth. And then very close to enlightenment. Obstacles removed, and enlightenment is always there. It - your right by birth ... »

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gay Cruising In Vegas ?

VIEW / Andrew Archangel: The End of ceremonies

09:00 , December 24, 2010

Андрей Архангельский: Конец церемоний

Andrew Archangel: The End of ceremonies

At first glance, with the year 2010, everything is clear: the explosion of social activity. Not only beautiful, but all the thing that lived and kopilos until this year the web, materialized, crawled out and acquired a frightening form. More ...

all news

How Do You Clean Travel Trailers

Osho on dvd - buy online

Moscow has mileyshaya company produces licensed video conversation Osho on DVD and music from the world of Osho. This New Age music for meditation practice, music for yoga practice, music for relaxation:

recently launched a blog: translated into LJ - [info] oshodvds_ru

"Project" Osho video "truly unique, as the first time in Russian-speaking audience appeared opportunity to see live images of Osho, and to hear his voice. Each film - is a separate conversation with the audience Osho, recorded on video in the meditation center Osho in Pune, India, from 1985 to 1990.

Discourses Osho always built as answers to the questions of his students, which related to various sides of life: the life and death, religion and creativity, sense of life and meditation, God and family, love and hatred ... In his inimitable style with his brightness, liveliness, paradoxical master says that what excites each of us.

This Osho always stressed that his conversation does not pursue the usual target, which is lecturing - to introduce the next theory .... " "I have no doctrine, my" speaking "is really a process razgipnotizatsii. Just listening me, gradually, gradually, you will be free from all those programs that impose a society, "- said Osho.

In the future, is expected to issue the markets in Russia and CIS 100 Osho video. Each disc contains a rare interview with Osho and the film "Impressions", which focuses on meditation Osho center in Pune.

Our site is available 35 Osho video with Russian subtitles, and 50 albums of music from the world of Osho! " +