video lecture on the theme of Osho's spiritual growth and enlightenment phenomenon :
«... The whole planet can become enlightened. We just need to change the educational system, change the organized religions of the world, change the political structure of society. And we need to allow each child to go his own way.
No matter what was your childhood, a person can not become enlightened without a rebellion, because he has to go through the struggle against the conditioning of society. Man will have to rebel against the beliefs of society. He will have to rebel against their own ego against its own ambitions.
Sure, riot - a necessary part. He cuts you off from normal social world and makes a personality. Riot - a fire, going through that, man finds freedom, individuality and integrity. And only after that he can relax and be yourself themselves to be simple, be innocent. This new birth. And then very close to enlightenment. Obstacles removed, and enlightenment is always there. It - your right by birth ... »
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