Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Do You Clean Travel Trailers

Osho on dvd - buy online

Moscow has mileyshaya company produces licensed video conversation Osho on DVD and music from the world of Osho. This New Age music for meditation practice, music for yoga practice, music for relaxation: http://oshodvds.ru

recently launched a blog: http://oshodvds.ru/blog translated into LJ - [info] oshodvds_ru

"Project" Osho video "truly unique, as the first time in Russian-speaking audience appeared opportunity to see live images of Osho, and to hear his voice. Each film - is a separate conversation with the audience Osho, recorded on video in the meditation center Osho in Pune, India, from 1985 to 1990.

Discourses Osho always built as answers to the questions of his students, which related to various sides of life: the life and death, religion and creativity, sense of life and meditation, God and family, love and hatred ... In his inimitable style with his brightness, liveliness, paradoxical master says that what excites each of us.

This Osho always stressed that his conversation does not pursue the usual target, which is lecturing - to introduce the next theory .... " "I have no doctrine, my" speaking "is really a process razgipnotizatsii. Just listening me, gradually, gradually, you will be free from all those programs that impose a society, "- said Osho.

In the future, is expected to issue the markets in Russia and CIS 100 Osho video. Each disc contains a rare interview with Osho and the film "Impressions", which focuses on meditation Osho center in Pune.

Our site is available 35 Osho video with Russian subtitles, and 50 albums of music from the world of Osho! "

http://oshodvds.ru + http://oshodvds.ru/blog


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