一年 nonet gesehn:
MINE! and even a year ... holla the forest fairy ° _ °
(taken by
slowmon ) In other words, thanks for every birthday congratulations I got, no matter what way: 3 I had
a pretty pleasant day spent with my bakadarling
leonator and
thond , my adopted Japan daughter and private hair dresser XD
She arrived 'already' on Monday evening and we watched
RIZE all the night long... a concert DVD from 2002, but much longer than the concert was the bonus material that showed them backstage at every stop of that long tour... Thond was verrry pleased to get the chance of viewing
the sparkling star several times (XDDD) and we went to bed only between 6 and 7 am x'D
The other day we took the train to Cologne in order to see
Pistol Valve , a pretty young but quite
talented 10-girl ska band from Tokyo .
When we arrived at the Underground livehouse, we were rather shocked to see like NOBODY there, the only persons except for us were one student of our university, some staff people not preparing anything, and some people hanging around at the bar, who surely had not come for the concert. Because according to schedule the concert was already ought to start, we first were worried that it might be cancelled due to the not existing audience... but after some beer and waiting, it was announced they would still perform. Lucky! There arrived a few more people, but most were old uncles who head just read about them in some Cologne newspaper, and so we started joking how great it would be if
Electric Eel Shock were to join the fun, as their gig on the same day had been cancelled - the act they were to support got ill. Especially since it was my birthday, but also because such a small and boring audience was surely disappointing for the girls. I personally think it was really sad, but they had just set the entrance fee a little too high, especially since they were an unknown band touring in Europe for the first time ._.
But then they started, and I soon was sure my 15 Euros were spent well :D as in many Ska band cases, their sound is much cooler live than on CD (or myspace), although they didn't have a drumset, nor any guitars or bass, just 8 wind instruments, one electric violin (stylish!!) and a DJane. They all were
really cute, fashionable and damn good on their instruments (especially
yoosh might like them I guess XDD) I will see if some of the photos I took are worth showing in a next entry ^-^ Unfortunately, the audience was as boring during the concert as they looked like before, and the three of us were the only ones dancing. All those grandpas were standing far, far away from the stage, leaving an unnecessary gap, while the ten girls were as energetic and still looked like having the best fun on earth, shouting "we love Cologne", playing clapping and jumping games with us, etc. I was totally impressed how they could have so much energy, and especially inbetween still
sing and
rap very well for about one and a half hours(?), when playing wind instruments must be so hard and exhausting already! *_*;
After the live we went to buy some small goodies and talked a little, more English than Japanese, with the staff people, about Japan, festivals, other Ska bands we have seen, and the German Visual Kei audience x_x Thond even had to pose for a picture with the official Pistol Valve hat XD the girls themselves didn't seem to come out again, and so we left soon, getting the second-to-last train back to Bonn and arriving home around 1am. Thond helped me finally create a mixi account, and I already got some Japanese messages and invitations I have to check '_';;
Could hardly sleep at all that night, and in the morning we had decided to get up early, because we still needed to buy all the shit necessary for Thond to
colour/bleach my hair once again X'D that was really some action and stress, moreover since she wanted to take a train home to Bremsdetten (near Münster) today. But overall she did a good job; though at the moment I think it a little too dark, I hope it will still wash out a little, or I'll just go over with blond again with Leo's help. Unluckily, it got too late for her to ride home completely, so she's in Düsseldorf now, internetless...
GOMEN! m(_ _)m well, Bakaschatzi seems to be getting sick and already entered the bed, and as tired as I am I'm gonna join him now ^^;
just one last thing:
today's happy birthday goes tooooo...
zeraphita ^___^ I hope your HIM concert was a nice one, and the day after as well of course!!